Grange Valley Primary & Nursery School

  1. Key Stage 2 Classes
  2. Year 4 23/24

Welcome to Year 4

 Mr Ashton's Class  


In English, we planned our brochure by researching different parts of Spain. We then created our own brochure. In Maths, we have been rounding decimals, ordering decimals and changing fractions into decimals. In History, we looked at what life would be like as a miner. We looked at jobs of children down the mines. In Spanish, we use role play to practice going to the doctors and explaining something is wrong. In P.E, we have continued with our athletics topic. In Science, we looked at the different components of a circuit. We drew our own circuits.


This week in English we have continued looking at brochures. We have learnt skills such as appealing language, slogans, adjectives, noun phrases and verbs to help us when we create a brochure all about Spain. In Maths, we have been looking at tenths and hundredths in decimals. We have also been looking at dividing by 10 and 100. In History, we located local pits in the St Helens and Haydock area. We labelled a map and discussed pits close to our school. In Science, we have looked at the different components of a circuit. In Reading, we have continued our story of 'How to train a dragon'. The children have looked at different questions about the book. In PSHE, we are looking at friendship. 


Our first week back for Summer 1 term. We have started our new English topic looking at brochures. We are going to make a brochure all about travelling to Spain. In Maths, we finished our time topic and have moved onto decimals. In History, we started our topic about mining and the industrial revolution. We looked at why coal was important and what it was used for. In Science, we started our new topic about electricity. We looked at battery and mains electricity. As well as linking this to different periods of time and how electricity was different. In R.E, we looked at the beliefs of Islam and the recent festival of Ramadan. In P.E, we started our athletics topic in preparation for Sports Day!


During our final week of Spring term, we have continued our Maths topic looking at time. We started very basic by looking at o'clock and half past but the children have really progressed well! In English, we finished our story about 'The Float'. We imagined ourselves as the boy by changing the perspective of the story. In DT, we used our designs to create structures using materials such as lolly sticks, toothpicks and tape. In R.E, we looked at why sacrifice is important to religious life. We would like to thank Miss Woods who is moving onto a different school after Easter. She has been a huge part of our class and the children have loved working with her. Have a lovely Easter break!


This week we have been celebrating 'World  of Work Week'. We had a range of visitors who inspired us with their different jobs. We also enjoyed dressing up as what we  would like to be in the future. In English, we finished our story of 'The Float' and wrote our own story in a different perspective. In Maths, we looked at word problems involving adding and subtracting fractions. In Geography, we developed our knowledge of rivers by looking at dams and why they are important. We looked at local dams and dams across the world. In |Reading, we have been look at the poem of 'The Jumblies'. In P.E, we started to create our own carnival dance. Afterschool, we also enjoyed a brilliant Easter Bingo!


This week has been National Science Week. The children have loved assemblies all about experiments from 'The Royal Institute' and 'Wacky Jacky'. We have also taken part in some experiments in class linked to our topic of states of matter. In English, we have continued our story of 'The Float'. In Maths, we have been looking at adding and subtracting fractions. In Geography, we have been looking at why rivers are important. We looked at the positive and negatives reasons from river use. In P.E, we continued our spy dance. 


This week, we have started to focus on our story of 'The Float'. We have been looking at prepositions, conjunctions, adjectives, onomatopoeia and repetition to look at the beginning of the story about the boy trying to sail his paper boat. We even created our own paper boats! In maths, we have been looking at simplifying and equivalent fractions. In Geography, we have looked at the different parts of a river and why the source is important. In P.E, we looked at different rolls such as straddle, forwards and barrel roll. We have had a very busy week with parents evening! Thank you for all of the lovely comments. We have also loved our trip to the library for World Book Day and particularly our Booky Breakfast with our parents. We took part in a range of different reading activities, enjoyed spending time with our parents and showed off our World Book Day costumes.


We started the week by editing our non-chronological report all about Anglo Saxons. During this week, we have completed our week 20 maths and reading assessments. This week in English, we started our new book called 'The Float'. We made our own paper boats like in the story. In Maths, we finished line graphs and moved onto fractions. This is closely linked to  our homework. In Geography, we have focused on erosion and how rivers are formed. We have also continued to look at healthy eating in PSHE. We created our own healthy meal. In SPAG, we have looked at word families including synonyms and antonyms of certain words. In DT, we started our unit about frame structures. We used different materials to create different structures and found ways to make them more stable.


We cannot believe it is Spring 2 term already! This week we have continued our non-chronological reports about Anglo-Saxons. We will be using noun phrases, fronted adverbials, prepositions, facts, subtitles and conjunctions when writing our reports. In Maths, we have been looking at bar and line graphs. We have been reading data from these graphs and drawing our own. This will also be homework. In Geography, we started our topic about rivers. We used ab atlas to look at the rivers of the world. In Computing, we are focusing what is fake and what is real online. We will be focusing and discussing online safety. In P.E, we started our dance topic with Miss Wood. 


In our final week of the half term, the children have finished their Maths chapter about multiplication and division. We have been using our timestables, bus stop method and column multiplication to solve problems. In History, we looked at the different people who lived during Anglo-Saxon times and how they were ranked in society. During Art, we continued to focus on light and dark by using shading and paint. We linked our reading sessions to our diversity week theme. In this we looked at different stories as to how people can be discriminated and how we should treat everybody equal. During PSHE, we looked at dreams and goals and created our own CV of things we have achieved. In R.E, we answered the question 'How do Sikhs show their values and beliefs'. We absolutely loved our silent disco on Wednesday night! It was something a little different and the children (And staff) loved it! Have a lovely break! Save and Publish Page


This week the children have wrote their own version of Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp. The children continued their story from a certain point and changed to make it their own version. In Maths, we have been looking at dividing 2 and 3 digit numbers. In Science, we have been measuring the temperature of different places of objects. In History, we looked at what a traditional Anglo-Saxon village would be like, the different jobs and how they lived. We then compared it to other civilisations. In Spanish, we have been learning how to tell people our families names. In Computing, we started to create different characters using Scratch and designed our own interactive game. 


This week in English, we have been continuing our story of 'Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp'. We have been focusing on the start of the story. We have read up to when Aladdin manages to get out of the cave. We will continuing the story with our own twist. In Maths, we have been looking about further multiplication and division. We have used column multiplication and also bus stop method for division. In History, we have used the I-Pads to research different artefacts from Anglo-Saxon life. In Science, we conducted our own experiment to look at changing states of matter. We used ice and water of different temperature to observe what happened. In P.E, we continued handball looking at defending and getting into scoring positions. In Reading, we started our new story of 'Vi Spi'. In Computing, we continued looking at interactive games, why games are good and creating our own game. 


This week in English we have started our new story of 'Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp'. We have been talking about Aladdin's trip to the cave when he first seen the lamp. In Maths, we have been multiplying two digit numbers by 1 digit numbers e.g. 23 x 5. We have been showing different methods such as column method. In Science, we continued to look at states of matter. We focused on boiling, melting and freezing. In History, we looked at the reasons the Anglo-Saxons may have wanted to invade Britain. During Art, the children have been looking at tints and shade. We drew an object then painted the different squares in different shades to show shadows and light. In handball, the children have really enjoyed learning about different ways to throw. We looked at some rules of handball and how it links to other sports. 


A very busy first week back! In English, the children have written their own Iron Man stories by changing some different parts. In Maths, we have looked at further multiplication and division. We have linked our Reading and History together. We have looked at the Anglo-Saxons. In History, the children used maps to see where the Anglo-Saxons came from and also create a timelines of events. In Science, we looked at Solid, Liquids and gases. The children have really enjoyed being back at school and telling everybody all about their Christmas. We now have another helper in Year 4. Miss Woods will be with us until after half term.


This week we have been working on solving word problems in Maths using multiplication and division. In Reading, we have been looking at non-fiction and fiction texts about Christmas. In R.E, we had a lovely visit from Father Dan were we learnt about why the Bible is important for Christians. This links with our R.E topic this half term. In Geography, we have been learning about different types of flooding and how this could affect our local area. In Science, we have been learning about food chains. This week we have watched a brilliant pantomime about Cinderella, had our Christmas jumper/Christmas dinner day and enjoyed a fantastic trip to Gullivers World where we went to Winter Wonderland.

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After finishing our persuasive advert, we have been using Write Stuff to focus on the story of the Iron Man. In Maths, we have been looking at dividing, including dividing with remainders. In Science, we have continued to look at the human digestive system and our teeth. In Geography, we have continued to look at the Water Cycle and how filtering our water is important. We created our own filter system. In R.E, we have looked at special places and festivals to Christians. In P.E, we have continued with our health and fitness. During the past two weeks, we have also taken part in a mental health workshop and planted trees around our school to help the environment.



This week we have started our new topics.

English- Persuasive adverts. We have been looking at key features of persuasion.

Maths- Timestables. We focused on 6, 7 and 9 timestables.

P.E- Health and Fitness. We took part in a circuit training session.

Science- Animals including humans. We have been looking at the digestive system.

Geography- The Water Cycle. We looked at what happens to water when it heats up.

Music- We have looked at Rock n Roll.


In our final week of Autumn 1, we have been finishing off our topics. We took part in quizzes about Ancient Egyptians and Living Things. We also learnt about endangered animals and how the world can affect them. In English, we wrote our own poem about positive and negative situations. In Maths, we have been looking at word problems using our knowledge of addition and subtraction that we have learnt over the half term. During our Black History assembly, we performed 'The Best' by Tina Turner. The children loved singing this in front of the school. To finish our Art topic, we created our own Ancient Egyptians paper and designed our own scroll.


This week, we have started our poetry topic. Our poetry topic is looking at poems by Maya Angelou. This also links with our reading as in reading we are focusing on Black History Month. We have been looking at a range of role models from present and past. In Maths, we are looking at subtraction and renaming. In Science, we have researched different habitats and how these habitats are important to animals and living things. We have continued to look at our feelings and emotions within PSHE. We have also continued our Computing topic, were we have been looking at online safety. We have used book creator to use a range of skills to show our knowledge. In History, we compared Ancient Egyptians to now, and how they may have influenced different parts of our lives.


During this week, the children used the key features they have learnt in English to create their own instructions of 'how to mummify a dear friend'. In Maths, we have been using mental strategies to add and subtract. We have also began our subtraction topic. In History, the children have really enjoyed learning about the different Ancient Egyptian beliefs. We are really enjoying taking part in our community project with LFC. We are helping our school environment and decorated our own bird feeders for school. On Tuesday, it was World Mental Health Day. We looked at different strategies that can help us when we are feeling different emotions. During our learning council, we spoke about how we can keep ourselves happy. We also gave compliments to our friends. Well done to the boys in our Timestable Rockstars competition. They were the first winners of the year!


This week, we have continued to look at instructions in English. The children have looked at key features of instructions, mummified a tomato by following instructions and create their own instructions. In Maths, we have been focusing on adding. We have used different strategies such as column addition and partitioning. In History, we looked at the different types of pyramids and why the Ancient Egyptians built them. We also performed our Harvest assembly on Thursday, which I hope you really enjoyed. The children are loving our reading sessions at the minute. We are very engrossed in our class reading book, 'The Adventures of Podkin One Ear'. In Spanish, we looked at classroom objects. This week in P.E, we focused on communication and working as a team.

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This week in English, we have continued our story of 'The Last Bear'. We have built up to writing our own adventure story. In Reading, we have started our new book called 'The Legend of Podkin One Ear' which is about a warrior rabbit. The children have loved this story so far. In Maths, we have been using place value and number lines to add 10, 100 and 1000. In History, we have looked at Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and how they are similar/different to our language today. In Science, we looked at mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles. During PSHE, we have focused on being proud of ourselves and others. We also continued our community project with LFC.

W/C 11.9.23

Our first full week in Year 4! We started lots of new topics this week. These included:

-The Last Bear (reading the story and creating our own sentences for different plot points).

-Numbers to 10,000 in Maths (looking at thousands, hundreds, tens and ones).

-Living things and their habitats in Science (using Venn diagrams to group living things).

-Ancient Egypt in History (using timelines).

-Art (We created our own tomb displays using oil pastels).

-Commands and instructions in Spanish.

-'The Dot' story in Reading.

The children have settled in well to Year 4 and have enjoyed their first week.
